Monday 25 February 2008

David Puttnam, 'In Class, I have to power down' (Guardian)

The main point of this article lies in the gap between the experience of ICT children have at home, compared with that they have at school. Freedom and control are what make home experiences exciting. Note that this is just one 12 year old's view, but I do think that the sense of ownership is an important issue in any activity. Puttnam suggests that we should be looking for the education in what children do by choice, namely games, forums and websites. While I think there is a lot of value in this, we can't limit ourselves to only teaching children about what they already like. Like the Ofsted report, he hints at the difference between the needs of the teacher and the needs of the learner. Perhaps we should be trying to fit in with our children instead of making them try to fit in with us.

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